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UCU Scholarship Dinner

Evento cancelado

UCU Scholarship Dinner

De EUR 55,00



Mayo 20 2017 18:00 - Mayo 21 2017 00:00


An event for UCU staff, alumni, and students. Bring your friends and family too.

What can you expect?
18.00 | Arrive on campus and enjoy a welcome drink.
19.00 | Start of the semi-formal three course dinner including wine.
22.00 | Party at the bar with UCU alumni DJs (tba).

The dinner will be accompanied by three inspiring speeches around the theme of community and giving back. Moreover, there will be a silent auction with three magnificent prizes.

If you are unable to attend the dinner, or simply wish to contribute more, you can do so by using this link.

The proceeds from the event will go directly towards scholarships for low-income students who otherwise could not afford the UCU experience.

Currently, UCU can provide partial scholarships for approximately 60 students (only one student has a full scholarship). More than half of scholarship applicants (who have already been accepted to UCU) get denied because of lack of funding, many of which consequently cannot attend UCU. By expanding the funding available for low income students who otherwise could not attend UCU, we would provide those students with a greater chance at social mobility through its excellent education and network.

On the surface, there are many benefits to increasing socioeconomic diversity. These include inciting richer classroom discussion stemming from a wider range of perspectives, stimulating critical thought across different patterns of socialization, and creating a more realistic representation of the world outside campus. But there is a deeper level by which a socioeconomically diverse student body can function to enhance the social and personal growth of all students. For these reasons, increasing socioeconomic diversity has become one of UCU’s most important aims.


University College Utrecht, Maupertuusplein 1, 3584EE Utrecht


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