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Elemental Fire Bootcamp

O evento terminou

Elemental Fire Bootcamp

De EUR 49.95



Sep 07 2019 13:00 - 17:15


Do you need a boost in your self-confidence or something to boost your willpower? In the society we live in, in which everything seems perfect it can feel like who you are or what you do is not enough. This feeling can discourage you from moving forward, and this is how we end up in a downward spiral.

Maybe you do not need the confidence but feel like you have an enormous amount of energy and people perceive you as intense, and you don’t know what to do with it.

All these different kinds of aspects are outcomes of our Power Identity being out of balance, having either too little or too much energy regarding our inner fire.
We call this our inner fire since it is connected to the force that drives us. This inner fire connected to our willpower, determination, ability to take initiative and leadership skills, but also things such as shame and manipulation play an important role in how it develops. Keeping ourselves motivated while being confronted and enduring hardships all relate to our inner fire.

During this bootcamp, we will learn more about our Solar Plexus, how it is connected to the ego identity and how it operates. Often when we are triggered and we feel threatened or ashamed we react out of ego but when we find out where the feeling actually originates from we can become better observers and respond accordingly using that innate fire productively for change within ourselves instead of reactively towards self and our social environment.

Movement wise we will be focusing on the area of our core to drive us forward, using our hands to grasp, take control and assume different types of postures to show how powerful it can be to have that sensation ingrained in your system. Through different exercises, we will learn how all of this affects our self and our surroundings on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

The bootcamp is open to everyone, also those who have never danced before. Together we will work to more acceptance of ourselves, a better understanding of who we are and why we are the way that we are. These four hours, led by Gil the Grid and Wesley Vayu, will give you more confidence and a feeling of belonging in this world, something we all are searching for! We will always be considerate about your feelings and about your boundaries and thus will create a safe space for everyone.

You can get your ticket through the ticket link, so you can assure your spot. We only do refunds until 1 week before the actual date of the bootcamp.
Hopefully, we will see you there to explore, expand and experience.
Much love
Amenti MoveMeant.


Groene Passage Groene Passage, Mariniersweg 9, 3011 NB Rotterdam


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