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Elemental Earth and Air Bootcamp - Outdoor edition!

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Elemental Earth and Air Bootcamp - Outdoor edition!

Fra EUR 40,00



10 aug 2019 kl. 13:00 - 17:15


Wouldn’t it be nice to move with the wind in our hair and the earth in between our toes while we learn, dance and be together with like-minded people? Our Earth and Air bootcamp give us the opportunity to do just that!
Within our MoveMeant method, we structure the layers we move in into categories, earth and air being the ‘Natural Elements’. Earth starts us off at the root of our being while Air stands in between the layers as a connecting bridge from the physical elements to the etheric elements.

The element of earth is connected to our Root chakra, the element of air to the heart chakra. While the Earth layer gives us space and energy to connect with our physical being, the layer of Air connects us to others and our being beyond our ego, the true Self.

In this bootcamp we will learn how to tap into these layers through MoveMeant (meaningful movement) to find where we are not at ease with ourselves, why it happens and find our way back into starting to have a healthy connection to both. We will take a look at things that disrupt the connection and affect our being in a non-beneficial way, such as our approach to fear which is the opposite of trust in the layer of earth, but also grief and regret which stand opposite to love and acceptance in the layer of air.

We will dive into the layer of earth which comes with the qualities of being able to move big, claiming your space, use the floor and being able to take risks with your movements and use these as tools to break through certain patterns which keep you in fearful situations and prevent you from moving in any desired direction.

The layer of Air comes with the quality of utilizing flow within our MoveMeant and our ability to connect to others by connecting to self first. We will find movement through our breathing first, push and pull, expansion and exhaustion, giving and receiving, using flow continuously, all in correlation to the element and how we are bound to it in every way.

The bootcamp is open to everyone, also those who have never danced before. Together we will work to more acceptance of ourselves, a better understanding of who we are and why we are the way that we are. These four hours, led by Gil the Grid and Wesley Vayu, will give you more confidence and a feeling of belonging in this world, something we all are searching for! We will always be considerate about your feelings and about your boundaries and thus will create a safe space for everyone.

You can get your ticket through the ticket link, so you can assure your spot. We only do refunds until 1 week before the actual date of the bootcamp.

Hopefully, we will see you there to explore, expand and experience.
Much love
Amenti MoveMeant.



Euromast - Park Euromast - Park, Parkhaven 20, 3016 GM Rotterdam


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