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Dutch X-Wing System Open - Eindhoven 2019

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Dutch X-Wing System Open - Eindhoven 2019

Fra EUR 35,00



16 mar 2019 kl. 08:00 - 17 mar 2019 kl. 22:00



Tickets go on sale 17/01/2019 at 19:00

We are excited to announce the 2019 Dutch System Open in Eindhoven!

As this is part of the 2019 Series of System Opens, they will be playing with the new X-Wing Second Edition - please pay attention to the Squad Building requirements below that your list is legal for this event.

All events award Prize Tickets to redeem for unique prizes, more information can be found at:  https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/11/5/2019-system-open-prizes/


There are two tickets for Captain and Admiral Tickets.

Captains Ticket: € 35

The Captains Ticket allows access to the following: 

• The System Open Main Event 

• The Sunday Hyperspace Qualifier 

• All Hangar Bay events on Saturday and Sunday

Admirals Ticket: € 60

The Admirals Ticket allows you to: 

• The System Open Main Event 

• The Sunday Hyperspace Qualifier 

• All Hangar Bay events on Saturday and Sunday 

• System Open Game Mat to take home with you


Main event

Registration for the main event at opens at 08.00 am and closes at 9.30am sharp. Players must have 2 copies of their list. The Game Mode for this is 'Extended'.

Day 1 (Saturday 16th of March)

Players compete in a 6 round Swiss tournament. 200 point, Extended Game Mode build. Players with 5 or more wins advance to the Finals on Sunday. Prize tickets will be for a round and winning! 

Day 2 (Sunday 17th of March)

Players who have qualified for the elimination round register from 8am on Sunday. Registration will close at 9am with the elimination rounds starting soon after. Players will keep the same point build on the Saturday.

Side Events

Hyperspace Qualifier: 

All main event players are not in the elimination rounds register for the Hyperspace Qualifier. Registration opens at 8.00am and closes at 9.00am. the event will start after the elimination rounds have started. This is a 6-round tournament. Players in the elimination rounds can enter this event as they are knocked out until the top 8. They enter this event.

Hangar Bay: 

Hangar Bay events will be available for any player who wants to drop off the main event after round 3 on Saturday. 

You will also be able to start a Hangar Bay pod after Round 3 on Sunday

Players can choose either Extended or Hyperspace Hangar bay pods. The restrictions for these game modes can be found via the Squad Builder App.




**Accommodation update:**

We're happy to say that we have a discount coupon for rooms at Holiday Inn Eindhoven. The hotel is on walking distance from the city center and even closer to the venue.

Use *DutchFFGEindhoven* in your communication with the hotel and get the best deal.

It works like this:
1. Contact the Hotel for the best available roomrates by emailing them at reservations@hieindhoven.com or calling them at +31402358245

2. Tell them how many nights and people are staying and if you want to make use of the breakfast. Aks them for the best price and don’t forget to mention *DutchFFGEindhoven*

3. The hotel will give you the best price available including the 15% discount you’ve triggered with mentioning the code.

***** ***************


https: // www .google.co.uk / maps / search / food / @ 51.4435036,5.4727636,16z / data =! 3m1! 4b1




The Main Train Station, Stationsplein, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Directions from the station to the venue: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/Main+Train+Station,+Stationsplein+22,+5612+AZ+Eindhoven,+Netherlands/Beursgebouw+Eindhoven,+Lardinoisstraat,+Eindhoven,+Netherlands/ @ 51.4422307.5.4772602.18z / data =! 3m1! 4b1! 4m14! 4m13.1m1.1m1.15x47c6d91c5c3c180f: 0x7cde8f4fc81a64e8! 2m2! 1d5.4799991! 2d51.4427494! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x47c6d91ba5acc4fb: 0x5e498089bd126bc7! 2m2! 1d5.4763363! 2d51.4430624! 3e2

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Beursgebouw Eindhoven Beursgebouw Eindhoven, Lardinoisstraat 8, 5611 ZX Eindhoven


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