House of Vineyard presents The Carousel Ball
House of Vineyard presents The Carousel Ball
From EUR 0.00
This Halloween edition Mother Vineyard invites you to the Amazing...Spectacular Spectacular... CAROUSEL BALL! This will not be your ordinary circus side show ladies & gentlemen. Leave what we call 'shy' at home and your virginity at the door, choose your category and walk for your 10s or simply join the crowd for a unforgettable experience while we watch the European ballroom scene make this Carnival Burrrnnnnnnnn.
� Sat. Oct. 29th 2016
� The Jury:
1. Archie Burnett (USA)
2. Mother Lasseindra Ninja (FR)
3. Jeroen Bloemers (NL)
4. Divad Magnifique (UK)
5. Kendall Mugler (FR)
� Hosted by Mother Amber 'Ambiance' Vineyard
� MC Zelda Fitzgerald
� DJ Veusty
1. RUNWAY � "The Carnival is Burning"
All American Runway : The Ring Master
This Master of Ceremony calls all the shots. Own the runway with with no hesitation. Bring it in Tails as the over all, one and only, Ring Master.
Male Figure x 1 trophy
European Runway : Mechanical Clowns
Allow your deep childhood phobias of dolls, puppets and clowns inspire your look. Twist your fears, turn them into Couture! Leave the audience gagging over the beauty of their worst nightmares.
Open to All x 1 trophy
2. Oldway � The Crying Pierrot
Don't let the ruffles and painted tears fool you. This Mime spent half their life serving time. Black and white stripes is what they know best. Every tear represents a knife through someone's chest. Accident or not...
Bring it to the runway as this twisted murderer and be sure to let the jury see your tears.
OTA x 1 trophy
3. FACE OTA DUO � The Siamese Twins
One body, Two faces! But you and your conjoined twin just want to live the normal life! Dress as if your going to the infamous Carnival, unbothered and serve one another's face it to the jury. Let them know you are the One.
* Female figure x 2 trophies
* Male figure x 2 trophies
4. WAACKING � "Spectacular Spectacular"
Bring it as a Magician or his Glamorous assistant. We want to see Magic! Start by making all your competing contestants simply... disappear!
OTA x 1 trophy
5. TWISTER � The Investor
For your 10s... Investors Realness!!!! Bring it as a sophisticated investor wearing a suit from any time period. Once you get your 10s comes... The Twist !!! Turn it in PUMPs! So bring a pair of heels and let's see how cunt you really are!
6. BODY � The Muscle Man
Judges are looking for Definition, Muscles and Body! Calling all Male Figures! Bring it as the almighty... Worlds strongest Man!
Male Figure 1 x trophy
� The Curvacious Lady - Female Figure
Judges are looking for BODY, CURVESSSS and more BODY.
Female Figure x 1 trophy
7. BEST DRESSED � The Bearded Beauty
The bearded lady has been one of the most popular attractions at Carnivals Freak Shows through out centuries. But who has seen her?! What does she look like?! Is she a trash queen? Ghetto Fabulous? Graceful & Elegant? Or just trying to fit in with the norm?
With your own take of the Bearded Lady, bring it up in drag and reveal your beauty to your spectators.
The best over all look takes home Grand Prize
OTA x 1 trophy
8. NEWWAY � The Amazing Acrobat
Pose like an Acrobat and Perform the New way in all its lines grace and elegance. Keep in mind acrobats have a specialty... a ribbon, ball, hoop etc... What is yours? Impress the jury using your your prop in your 10s! And slay the runway with your performance.
Warning! No prop is a CHOP.
Open to All x 1 trophy
9. BIZARRE � "Freak Show"
IT'S ALIVE!!!! Freak Shows through out the centuries showcased what they believed to be half human, half creature.... from pigs to apes, to fish.... Create a new species that has never been seen by the human eye! The most outragiously shocking species takes home grand prize!
Female Figure : The Snake Handler.
This Snake like Sssseductress can handle Ssnakes of all Ssssizessss. SSssseduce and hypnotize your Sssspectators to Ssssatifaction with your Sssexxxxx appeal and Ssssultry Sssslithering Performance.
Female Figure x 1 trophy
Male Figure : Pitching Tents
Every circus needs a handy man to pitch the Tent. Someone has got do the dirty work. Bring it as the hard working handy man. How big is your tent? *wink *wink
Tools are optional but you sex appeal should be candy to the eye...
Male Figure x 1 Trophy
11. VOGUE FEM � "Tricks & Treats, Smoke or Sweets?
The choice is yours....
� "Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat
Give me something good to eat.
If you don't
I don't care
I will rip out all your Hair!"
This twisted Candy Girl came straight from the trailer park.
Bring this cheeky psychopath to the runway and allow her tricks to speak. Don't forget it's Halloween, the audience will be expecting a treat!
�Up in smoke....
The Cigarette Boy or Girl
Put the runway up in smoke!
Bring it in red and black as the classic vintage cigarette boy or girl "Call for Phillip Moris!"
Butch queen x 1 Trophy
Female figure x 1 Trophy
Womens Performance x 1 Trophy
GRAND PRIZE Vogue Fem x 1 trophy
Register via:
State your : Name - House - Country - Category(s)
� Note: Registrations by email close Thursday Oct 27th @ 23:00
17:00 � Registrations & Dressing rooms to participants
18:00 � Doors open to audience
19:00 � The Carousel Ball Opening
19:30 � Ball
00:00 � END
00:00 � After Party - Vieze Poezendek
05:00 � END
15 EUR Presale
17,50 EUR @ the Door
10 EUR for Particpants
(Ticket includes the After Party)
Club AIR Amsterdam
Sunday Oct. 30th
Time 14:00-21:30
Waacking - Archie Burnett (NYC)
Oldway, Classique Performance - Divad Magnifique (UK)
Vogue Fem - Kendall Mugler (FR)
More info To be Announced....
AIR Amsterdam, Amstelstraat 24, 1017 DA Amsterdam
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House of Vineyard presents The Carousel Ball
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