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  • Yoni art workshop. A journey of healing for women

    event afgelopen

    Yoni art workshop. A journey of healing for women

    Vanaf 35,00 EUR



    23 Jun 2019 13:00 - 16:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Boek met vertrouwen: Billetto garandeert terugbetalingen voor geannuleerde evenementen, zodat u zich geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Lees meer
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    Yoni art workshop. A journey of healing for women

    On June, 23rd I will give a 3-hour Yoni art workshop for women, during which we will explore the hidden depths and feminine mystery within our female bodies.

    The Yoni is the sacred place of the woman, the divine eternal process of creation. Finding your own way to express yourself and unblocking your creative energy, is one of the most important things I’ve learned. I love to use art for supporting women in their personal and spiritual growth, helping them with reconnecting to their feminine energy, and finding creativity to express themselves through art.

    The Divine Feminine is calling. She is calling the inner feminine power that resides within you. She is calling for sisters from all over the planet to reclaim a nurturing and intimate relationship with her, from deep within themselves. We need to wake up, we need to connect with the inner feelings that reside in the powerful and beautiful women we are. It is time to break through our shame. It is time to let go of our self-judgment to grow and heal.
    What you can expect.
    During this 3 hours workshop, we will create a safe, open and playful space where all feelings are allowed to come out.  I will invite you to tap into your divine feminine energy, learn to recognize your visual symbols and express yourself through art. It is not about drawing skills or how good you are. It is about drawing and releasing of whatever is stuck. The intention is to use art as an act of discovery and healing of your inner feelings that want to tell their own story. Let authentic creative expression overpower your inner fears. Through the process of intuitive drawing, you will discover how to create, how to tap into that mystical and magical place.

    Painting from the inside out, connecting with your spirit. Working with the power of an image, expression through art. We learn to recognize our own visual symbols. Thinking and exploring outside our box. Consciously creating and feeling a sense of oneness.

    For this workshop, all art supplies will be provided. If you would like to bring your own supplies, feel free to bring them with you!

    The costs are €40 euros (including all materials and some healthy snacks). But how nice would it be to do this workshop together with your friend?  Bring a friend with you and get your special tickets for €35 euro each. At least two tickets have to be purchased.

    I’m excited to share experiences with you and I hope it will be a memorable day!

    Love, Mirjam Manusama


    Amenti MoveMeant Totem , Machiniststraat 11 , 3071 ZJ Rotterdam


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    Yoni art workshop. A journey of healing for women

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