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The Power of a Tribe for Digital Entrepreneurs

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The Power of a Tribe for Digital Entrepreneurs

Von 9,00 EUR



04. Februar 2018, 14:00 Uhr - 18:00


Workshop: The Power of a Tribe for Digital Entrepreneurs

  • Are you struggling in becoming a successful digital entrepreneur?
  • Do you feel lonely in running your online business?
  • Do you miss the support of an experienced peer group when making hard decisions?
  • Are you dreaming of working time- and location independent while working on your passion but didn’t take this step yet?

If you recognise any of the above this event is meant for you: Discover the power of a tribe of entrepreneurs. Join the movement and register today for this workshop!

Being a digital entrepreneur and running your online business can be challenging at times. You are making the hard decisions alone and you are missing a mirror or a peer group to give you motivation, to help you brainstorm, to give you more structure, to share knowledge, to kick your ass when you need it and last but not least to make your online business flourish and successful again.

The power of a tribe
A tribe is a group of likeminded people who share a common goal. Being a member of a tribe of entrepreneurs offer you a mix of brainstorming, peer accountability, sharing knowledge and support in a group setting. You will grow both your online business and personal skills.

A tribe helps you and your group members to achieve success. Participants challenge each other to set powerful goals and accomplish them. Success stories are celebrated together and business challenges are solved through peer brainstorming.

During this workshop, we will first explain you everything you need to know about the concepts of a tribe of entrepreneurs. After you mastered the essentials we will facilitate you with a powerful exercise to let you experience the power of a tribe by running the first one in a safe and supported environment

Program Sunday 4 February 2018
14:00: Doors open
14:30: Introduction & Presentation about the power of a tribe
15:00: Workshop: Tribe time
17:30: Start QA/Discussion, Networking opportunities & drinks
18:00: Closing doors

About Tribepreneurs
The workshop is organised by Daan Gorter and Reinier Maarschall.

  • Daan Gorter:
    Car mechanic, rocket scientist and shaman. Founder of many mastermind groups that were focused on personal and spiritual development. Daan has been part of men’s groups for years and has recently founded a new group together with three other guys. The group has biweekly meetings and mainly focuses on building a business, yet there is ample space for personal issues and challenges that have an influence on entrepreneurship. This model was supercharging their growth as entrepreneurs and now together with Reinier, Daan has chosen to pass these tools on to others. Tribepreneurs is born in 2017!!!
  • Reinier Maarschall:
    As a CTO of a full service internet agency Reinier has more than 15 years of experience with entrepreneurship. He has started his business together with 2 other entrepreneurs right after his study and build a successful and sustainable company with more than 40 people. Next to his professional experience he is very passionate about personal and spiritual development. As growth is his most important value, he loves to share his knowledge to help people to be the best version of themselves.

Location & Time
The workshop will be organized in the Frans Halsstraat 7, in the Pijp in Amsterdam. Doors will open at 14:00 and close at 18:00.

Subscribe now!
Take the next step in becoming a successful digital entrepreneur and join us for this inspiring workshop the 4th of February. Limited places available so register now!

We are looking forward to see you there! If you have any questions please send an email to info@tribepreneurs.com



Voorheen Eau de cologne fabriek, Frans Halsstraat 7, 1072 BJ Amsterdam


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