Psycho Jones - Disco Bingo & DJ-set
Psycho Jones - Disco Bingo & DJ-set
Vanaf 0,00 EUR
Kom daarom naar Roest om dit fenomeen te aanschouwen. Haal dan meteen een bingokaart en doe mee om de prijzen! En daarna gaan we dansen, want de man kan ook nog eens draaien.
Nu volgt nog wat tekst door Psycho Jones zelf. Eerst wat informatie over de bingo en daarna zijn eigen biografie.
We wilden het je niet onthouden.
"short BINGO info
If U think Bingo is just for grandmothers & -fathers... PJ will teach u now u are wrong!
Its one of the easiest things to do. Get yr BINGO TICKET & cross out drawn numbers.
Full house means u got a Bingo. Doublenumber (11, 22, 33, etc) might bring u a Snapszahlsnaps (curious what this is?)
U can win crazy stuff from shots to surprise bags to stickers, cds etc & the thing is:
so there is no reason to not join this!
Prima. En dan heb je zijn biografie nog niet eens gelezen. Die is al helemaal gestoord.
PJ is a figment of a gentleman from the Westerwald ( Western Germany ) with the initials DJ .
Supposedly this is an alien & crashed in early November 1972 with his UFO over the Dernbacher motorway junction. In the nearby hospital which just moved from the old to the new complex & a newborn was therefore alone crying in his crib. The Alien took its chance, ate the little brat up, layed down simply into the bed, imitated the Baby's Cry & thus slipped into the role of his snack, which of course no one noticed . Against all preconceptions aliens can not adjust 100% of human society and thus this Psycho-Jones had to find a suitable job for himself . Politician or dictator would have been too obvious . He had to infiltrate this planet in a subtle way. On his home world , he was a celebrity and pop star, so that it was clear that he was to play a similar role on Planet Earth . It was only in 1998, Psycho-Jones outed himself & began to move in his usual genre. This Entertainment Monster probably already catched your eyes during his numerous DJ (or PJ) shows of the past 15 years in Germany & Europe , from Spain to Sweden, from Switzerland to Netherlands .
Psycho-Jones, an Iggy Pop / Helge Snyder bastard among the DJs ? No, a DJ he is not ... as already indicated, more like a kind of PJ ... best get an idea yourselves! From his base bunker at Red Cat Club in Mainz , he infiltrated at night the dance floors of the world.
But if he is not a DJ, what is he then? A vampire ? A werewolf ? A zombie ? A punk ? A Mod ? A Rocker ? A Raver ? A Popper ? A hipster? No! ... ! Easily Speak & spell & learn: P - S - Y - C - H - O ... exactly! Understand ??
Only spinning records is not his job only .... The club is first finely rebuilt before the show with all sorts of trashy stand-ups , vintage video games & decorative elements . In his performances , there is always outfits, crazy to tres chic & live performed percussion ( maracas, gogobells , guiro , vibraslap , tambourine , tabula rasa ) .
Musically this intergalactic style-chameleon copes with almost all game types & styles. From 50s RnR to Indie, 60s Soul to Electro, from 70s disco to punk & wave, power pop , exotica , swing, jazz , hip-hop , big beat , popcorn , classic ... - all decades to Pop & Trash a Gogo ... & that all without a laptop or high-tech DJ Tools ...
Recordcase-Work-Out , Baby & no laptop Face & Mp3.Fatbelly !
In his shows , there are constant surplus of women in the audience, even if he likes to play down this fact.
Psycho is a monthly resident at Berlin cult club White Trash , recently played at the Berlin Festival. You might meet him also regularly at the Wild Renate / Berlin, Molotow / Hamburg, Glocksee / Hannover, Carambolage / Karlsruhe , Dorett / Mainz , Great Räng Teng Teng / Freiburg & anywhere where you don't expect him...
He was also support DJ for Peaches & does regular DJ-tours with Eddie Argos ( Art Brut ) & Inge Johansson (Against Me!, CSS , The ( Internationall ) Noise Conspiracy , etc )
The complete list of his co-DJ shows, band support & aftershow.parties is reportedly longer than the equator of planet Earth.
And as if all this is not enough, he is also booker & organizer of various series, in which he conjures talented newcomer DJs & music lovers to the turntables & then he has also a wild black masked garage punk band, with a few other aliens from a black hole ...THEEE PSYCHO -JONES INVASION ... To warm up people for a night, he presents his legendary gameshow ( Bingo.Revue , Connect 4 , High.Voltage.Game , Popp.Quizzz , etc , etc )
Where he comes up wild action , good humor and Party Chaos is guaranteed.
Current shows, series & tours :
Wij kunnen niet wachten.
Amsterdam Roest, Czaar Peterstraat 213, 1018 PL Amsterdam
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Psycho Jones - Disco Bingo & DJ-set
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