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Moving into Stillness

Evento cancelado

Moving into Stillness

De EUR 30.00



jun 06 2021 10:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Moving into Stillness - Postural yoga, breathing, meditation

Many of us in today’s world are very busy with trying to make the best of all the possibilities we have and do all we can as fast as we can. While this can be exciting and energising to start with, after a while we tend to end up feeling a bit unfulfilled and empty. A vague sense of frustration and /or unhappiness results with life itself or our particular situation. The COVID pandemic has added a further complication on a scale that has overturned all previous certainities  that we lived by. An great sense of uncertainty is what we are faced with, which makes us even more vulnerable to mood swings and ill health.  We seem to have forgotten that we do have the possibility to connect with ourselves and have somehow lost our way to getting there. 

We have been caught up in the “doing” and have forgotten to allow ourselves to “be”.

The idea is to bring attention to becoming still within ourselves via different practices so that we can slow down and feel the peace within.

This stillness within us is our birthright and we all have the possibility to access it if we can make the time for it. We slowly begin to feel at home in ourselves, to be okay with who we are, as we are.

The workshop is open to all those who wish to bring a certain quietness into their lives and calmness to the mind. 

What to expect:

10.00 – 11.30 :      The morning will start with an introduction, a short meditation and slow practice of yoga postures. The form of  Kashmir yoga as exercise with a focus on moving slowly and mindfully.

Break for 15min.   Tea break

11.45 -  13.00:       Continue with slow movements, breathing practices to quieten down into a deep meditative state

13.00 – 14.30         Lunch break

14.30 – 15.15         Time for Q & A

15.30 – 17.00         Movements and meditation practice

For lunch break, a nutritious vegan lunch will be served. 

Please wear comfortable cloathing and bring a sweater and/or shawl to keep you warm during the session.

Participants are expected to maintain silence during the entire period of the workshop – also during the tea and lunch breaks, except for the question and answer time.


The workshop will be conducted by Sumati Nair, originally from South India. She has a M.A. in Indian philosophy and is a trained Iyengar yoga teacher. 

Sumati has been teaching yoga asanas, yoga philosophy and meditation, at various yoga schools and teacher training programmes in The Netherlands over the past 18years.

Date : Sunday 6th of June 2021

Time : Walk-in 09:45, Start Session: 10:00 until 17:00

𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗘: Pay what you can: €65 - €50 - €40
(the offer includes: cross-cultural teaching with certified teacher + 1vegan nutritious lunch+teaching material mats/covers/pillows + snacks tea coffee available all day)

Location : The Roots Movement / The Roots Space • Onder de Toren hub • A. Hofmanweg 1A • 2031 BH • Haarlem, NL  -   Station Haarlem Spaarnwoude + 5min walking.


The Roots Movement is a platform that offers learning experiences in the form of programs, classes, events, talks sessions focusing on self-awareness and healing. We aim to create new narratives towards decolonization by providing you with a variety of tools to work with different layers of our personal and collective human experience.


The Roots Movement The Roots Movement, A. Hofmanweg 1a, 2031 BH Haarlem


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