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  • Movies that Matter: Camp 14 - Total control zone

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    Movies that Matter: Camp 14 - Total control zone

    Vanaf 0,00 EUR



    15 Sep 2015 20:00 - 22:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Join us for a screening of the multi-award-winning and controversial documentary Camp 14: Total control zone. The horrific account of Shin Dong-hyuk who grew up in a North Korean labor camp but escaped at the age of 23 to South Korea. Documentary images are interspersed with restrained animated scenes that reproduce events within the camp.

    Chris Green, an expert in North Korea at Leiden University, will be our speaker for the evening. He will introduce the documentary, and take the questions of the audience after the film.


    ‘A human life in the camp was worth the same as that of a fly,’ says a former guard of a North Korean labor camp. The guard plays only a minor role in Camp 14. The film's protagonist is a young man born in a similar camp who grew up as a forced laborer. At the age of 23, Shin Dong-hyuk managed to escape to South Korea. Once out of the camp, he at first felt like he was from outer space. The principle of money as a means of exchange, for example, was utterly foreign to him. In his austerely furnished Seoul home, he talks about the horrors of the camp. Judging by his facial expression, one might think he was unaffected, but there are occasional long pauses in his account and moments when he halts completely, such as when he describes how he was forced to betray his blood relatives and witness the execution of his mother, his father at his side. Although he initially thought the outside world was a paradise, he now believes that ‘It's all about money. It's odd, but more people are committing suicide here than in the camp. I miss the purity of my heart.’

    Scarred by his experience, Shin Dong-hyuk is now devoting his time to helping North Korean refugees and to changing the human rights situation in his motherland with grassroots organisation LiNK.

    North Korea 2012, 104 min.

    Documentary, Video, Black/white, Colour

    Spoken language: Korean, English

    Subtitles: English

    Director: Marc Wiese

    Production: Engstfeld Film GmbH

    Film's official website

    Screening starts at 20.30. Please allow time for buying tickets, drinks and meeting up!

    Entry: 4 euros


    Some background on our speaker:

    Christopher Green is the former Manager of International Affairs of Daily NK, a professional online periodical on North Korean affairs based in Seoul, South Korea. Since his return to Europe in 2014 after ten years in Northeast Asia, Christopher has been researching the political economy and society of North Korea at Leiden University. Christopher’s recent publications include a co-authored article published at Japan Focus that is to appear in a forthcoming edited volume on contemporary South Korean culture, and a second piece in the Review of Korean Studies concerning North Korean political messaging strategies that forms part of an ongoing academic project funded by the Academy of Korean Studies. He received his MA from Nottingham University in the UK.




    OT301, Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam


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    Movies that Matter: Camp 14 - Total control zone

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