MD301 presents: Posthuman and At the Threshold of Your Skin
MD301 presents: Posthuman and At the Threshold of Your Skin
Vanaf 0,00 EUR
Posthuman, by Carla Róisín
At The Threshold of your Skin by Andrea Hackl & Abilash Ningappa with music by Gabor Hartyani (cello)
Lights Colin McLean
Doors open: 20:45 Starts: 21:00 hrs Entrance: 7 euro
Concept/regie: Carla Róisín
Performance: Carla Róisín, Sayaka Akitsu, Tiana Hemlock-Yensen
Music (live electronics): Stephan Raidl
Infinite visual and sensorial experiences, pixelated, duplicated, generated and regenerated. In all this massa of frequences, numbers, lights and colours.. are we still able to decide? I wonder if we are still able to take risks for love. Are we able to make the difference between a projection or a reflection from the reality? There is a moment when we forget how to make the difference between an image and the real object. What are the memories that will survive? Searching for a sensation, for the sensation that fully belongs to us. How do we relate to each other, how to touch each other, how to feel, what is the real experience? The Posthuman wants to make contact with real humans and find this lost humanity again
Carla Róisín Béhal is a theatremaker, dancer and actress born in Spain. She graduated from the Mime Department (AHK) in 2014. She creates multidisciplinary performances combining disciplines as dance/mime, music and visual art. Integrating concepts of magic realism and neuroscience to create the ´´supervisible´´. Her work focuses on body versus image, beauty versus darkness, and presence. The relationship with the audience involves strong visual and sensorial impulses. The style of Carla Róisín Béhal can be described as surreal and existentialist, airing a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere in which daily realities blend with strange universes, and sometimes escaping the understanding of the spectator.
a new research and collaboration of Andrea Hackl & Abilash Ningappa based on ideas....
Music: Gabor Hartyani (cello)
...exploring the sensorial perception of space and reality.
...investigating that space which will always remain between two bodies, however small, and what might be connecting us beyond that gap; the paradox that this space connects and, equally, separates us; that space becoming like a “connective tissue” in itself.
....around the Japanese concept of MA - best described as a consciousness of space. MA could be roughly translated as negative space, interval, gap or pause, understood as the silence that gives form to, the interval that shapes the whole.
ANDREA HACKL is based in Holland and Austria and works as freelance choreographer, dancer, teacher & video artist. She's been dancing with different companies across Europe (e.g.: Cascade Dance Theater, United- C, Emanuel Gat Dance) and has toured major venues and festivals. Her own performative as well as visual work has been presented in Europe, the US and Asia – including her latest solo BLACK ASH, SINGING OVER BONES and her last film “back-wash”.
ABHILASH NINGAPPA works as independent choreographer, performer and teacher in India and Europe. He is the artistic director of Play Practice Residency, Bangalore (In). He post graduated from SEAD and has done a Post Masters at A-PASS (Be) on a movement research project called PLAY PRACTICE. He is a yoga practitioner and a martial art teacher; has trained in kalari payattu and contemporary dance, started his
training in India and later travelled to Europe where he continued his studies, practice and work. He worked with choreographers and companies (e.g.: Constanza Macras, Katie Duck, Tania Carvalho & Rex Levitates) and has been presenting his choreographic work, such as “Architect of Selfdestruction”,
The series Music Dance 301 (MD301) was created in direct response to a need for public and artists and to re-consider and re-present dance/music performance within a contemporary context. MD301 series presents improvised performance with an explicit choreographic/composition approach as well as set works that have as main focus the relationship movement-sound. The series invites local and international artists to perform. These artists share the aim to question how to compose and execute a visual and sonic piece under the scrutiny of a public as witness.
OT301, Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam
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MD301 presents: Posthuman and At the Threshold of Your Skin
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