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  • MD301 - Billie Hanne and Help me to Crash band

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    MD301 - Billie Hanne and Help me to Crash band

    Vanaf 0,00 EUR



    09 Mar 2016 21:15 - 23:15
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Boek met vertrouwen: Billetto garandeert terugbetalingen voor geannuleerde evenementen, zodat u zich geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Lees meer
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    a solo by Billie Hanne
    Dance and Choreography: Billie Hanne
    Poetry: Billie Hanne
    Costume: Eloise Neuville
    Lights: Emese Csornai

    Music by Onno Govaert (drums), Arvind Ganga (guitar)
    dance by Maria Mavridou and Małgorzata Haduch
    Lights: Emese Csornai


    "It is love," said Daisy, "it is the quiet water surface upon which all things float."
    She blew the horn. She was aware of falling.
    OWL owl OWL: in a tree without a jacket.
    Here lies Joseph for he was great. A luminous orb full of intent.
    Mammoth. Wreath. Cliff.
    "How strange," Daisy thought, "first I wandered, now I walk."
    DAISY is a delicate study in phrasing. It laces a word to move, a string of moves to a line of poetry. A one by one threading of time infiltrating of the will so it gives and diffuses. The dancing body allows abstraction of the words and as such the space in which they live becomes a constantly renewed pivot point of meaning. DAISY deconstructs and then creates motion by revealing every sensual detail that constitutes the composition, the dance, the poetic mind in limbs, torso and tongue. This is a new solo.

    Billie Hanne is a poetry and dance artist based in Brussels (BE). She composes dance and poetry in instant choreographies, provocative poetics in the spur of the moment, in the realm of vision and instinct.
    She retrieves and examines human intimacy with space, time, object and light. The body. Through radical handling of poetry and dance she weaves nature's sophistication into different textures, tales and geometrics that penetrate skill with grace and lyrical power with rhythm.
    Her phrasing is quick-witted and reveals the mind through the body as well as through its utterances, its vocals. In her practice she reimagines tradition and pushes the boundaries of the artform through blending and morphing myth, story with the body in motion and the physical reality of the composition.
    Her pieces are spiritual architectures that layer dissonant forces. She brings her work to different venues from underground studios to established theatres, to galleries and industrial sites.

    Onno Govaert http://www.doek.org/featured-artist-onno-govaert/ (drums),
    Arvind Ganga (guitar) www.arvindganga.net ,
    Maria Mavridou http://mavridoumaria.blogspot.nl/ and Małgorzata Haduch http://freethedance.blogspot.nl/p/malgorzata-haduch-biography.html

    Help Me To Crash Band goes for an adventure on stage aiming to make visible what lies deep while it keeps on falling, supported by trust, tenderness and rawness.They seek for a language that is personal and intimate, looking for expression that is firm, free and rocking. How deep can we go with that?

    Lights by Emese Csornai http://www.emesecsornai.com/

    Doors open: 21:00 Starts: 21:15 hrs Entrance: 7 euro
    Mailing list and reservations: ot301md@gmail.com

    Upcoming MD301:

    Thu 14th April:Ana Leonor Ladas, Lily Kiara, Ab Baars “dinggedicht” -Marisa Grande, Weijke Koopmans, Nina Hitz and guests
    Thu 19th May-Eileen Standley, Michael Schumacher, Michael Vatcher and guests
    Thu 23rd June-Marianthi Michailidou, Esmeralda Detmers, Zwaan de Vries trio -Electra Koulompi and guests

    The series Music Dance 301 (MD301) was created in direct response to a need for public and artists and to re-consider and re-present dance/music performance within a contemporary context. MD301 series presents improvised performance with an explicit choreographic/composition approach as well as set works that have as main focus the relationship movement-sound. The series invites local and international artists to perform. These artists share the aim to question how to compose and execute a visual and sonic piece under the scrutiny of a public as witness.



    OT301, Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam


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    MD301 - Billie Hanne and Help me to Crash band

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