KURA Presents: Rub-a-Dub Edition w. BackAttack Sound System
KURA Presents: Rub-a-Dub Edition w. BackAttack Sound System
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KURA’s welcoming BackAttack Sound System to the MixTree, who are providing the Rub-a-Dub edition with a section from their newly released sound. Joining them, Mux from Black Lion Hi-Vibes is returning for his second edition with us, plus Adriano outta Murjah Warriors will be spinning for the first time at KURA. With a 3 Euro entrance all night, plus KURA and friends providing what promises to be a heavy weight line up, this June’s edition cannot be missed… Run come rally one and all, the Rub-a-Dub’s back!
Entrance: 3 euros
Limited Capacity (early bird catches the dub)
Drinks deals from 21.30 to 23.00 (1.50 euro for a choice of beer and wine)
Line Up
Cinema Room:
- Mux (Black Lion Hifi) b2b Rhys Davies (KURA Amsterdam)
- Adriano (Murjah Warriors)
- BackAttack Sound
Mux - Black Lion Hi-Vibes Sound System was born in 2011, in the North-East Italian city of Pordenone. Through a strong and conscious vibration, built through several years of dub sessions and event's organization, Black Lion Hi-Vibes deals in strictly cultural vibes: from the foundation of Roots Reggae music, to the UK Dub-wise of the 80's, 90's… and more modern heavy steppers. This time in unity with Kura Amsterdam, Mux outta BLHV is going to set up some vibes for all, selecting from his vinyl box the tune to let you jump, step high and meditate. Let the High-Vibes flow!
Adriano - Murjah Warriors is a group of musicians and a Roots/Dub Sound System that loves to spread good vibes. Coming from Alta Murgia, near Bari (south of Italy), they are carrying on their project in Trentino-South Tyrol and beyond. They spread the Sound System Culture and the Roots, Reggae, Dub music, through vinyl selections, dubplates and studio productions. Their sessions are "live", dub versions are accompanied by Michele's mandolin and melodica. The goal is to mix music and culture with social protest, innovation with traditions and musical art with art painting. They enrich their sessions with vivid colours of Michele's paintings, always searching for new tonalities, compositions and colours. Since 2012, Murjah Warriors have hosted several Italian sound systems and crews during various editions of Dub Mountains, among which are: Angel Dub, Roots Reality feat Sis Jane, Radio Fontani, Gianpy, La Svolta, 48 Roots, Etrurian feat Petah Sunday, Moa Anbessa feat Prince David, Imperial Sound Army feat Dan I, Kunta Kinte, Thunder of Jah Army, Mountain Top, Heavy Rootation and Tiberias Towa and international guests like Ras Muffet, Indica Dubs, Dubiterian and Sammy Dreadlocks.
BackAttack Sound System - Get ready for the new reggae soundsystem from the east of Holland: Backattack Sound! Inspired by legendary systems such as King Shiloh, Jah Shaka, Channel One & King Earthquake the massive system enlightens you with dub flavour, UK roots & roots steppers. Select, toast, chant & operate!
Kura Amsterdam
Rhys Davies – Hailing from the UK, this young selecta’s love for the music grows from a deep and conscious appreciation for Jamaican Roots and Culture. Rooting his knowledge in the foundation studios such as Channel One and Lee Perry’s Black Ark, his focus lies on the sound system culture of his homeland back in the UK, taking inspiration from sounds such as King Alpha, Aba Shanti I, Jah Tubby's and the mighty Jah Shaka to name but a few. So eat up and stay strong cause this selecta packs a ruff export…
Joys Anges - Visual Art
This event is a respectful and conscious attempt to contribute to the production and conservation of sound system culture. KURA fully acknowledges that the Afro-Caribbean heritage of sound system culture, as well as the message of Rastafari that it embodies, is in no way their's. KURA does, however, seek to aid in the promotion and conservation of such a culture, as a means of spreading a message of humanitarian love, unity, and individual/collective empowerment through music, dance and cultural memory.
Good vibes welcome all night long
MixTree, Overtoom 301 (2 floor), 1054 hw Amsterdam
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KURA Presents: Rub-a-Dub Edition w. BackAttack Sound System
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