Koningsdag Bij Pllek | NDSM VRIJHAVEN
Koningsdag Bij Pllek | NDSM VRIJHAVEN
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Koningsdag / Vrijhaven bij Pllek betekent een buitenpodium met live bands waaronder het amsterdamse debut van FùGù MANGO! De uit engeland afkomstige band Bare Jams, diverse DJ’s, verschillende eet-mogelijkheden binnen en buiten, cocktails, divers entertainment, het stadsstrand van Noord en natuurlijk acitivtiteiten voor de kids. Het programma zullen we in maart bekend maken op de website en via Facebook.
TOEGANG: gratis
Pllek is onderdeel van NDSM Vrijhaven en opent haar deuren om 09:30!
11:30 Enrique's Groove + Forest of Heroes
13:30 De Liedjestovenaar (speciaal voor de kleintjes in de zaal!)
14.15 Kasba
15.00 Forest of Heroes
16.00 Bare Jams (UK)
17.00 Calacas (BE)
18.00 FùGù MANGO (BE)
20:00 tot sluit Pushin Wood Soundsystem
FùGù MANGO (live)
Created in 2013 in Brussels, FùGù MANGO comes from the love of dance music, african beats and indie pop. Based on intensive percussions, the energy is coloured with iced soul and spiraling guitars. On stage, FùGù MANGO turns into a dancing Guru, talking tales to anyone who will listen. >>> www.facebook.com/fugumango
BARE JAMS (live)
Bare Jams are an upbeat, fun lovin' collective. Self described as 'Poppy-Funk with a sneaky bit of Reggae and Ska'. Their fun rhythms involve catchy lyrics about twists on day-to-day life, parties, their pet gnome and the Hokey-Cokey sometimes even some politics and other meaningful stuff. They'll have you chillin', then get you skankin', even put a smile on your face. Organic and freshly brewed party vibes, which really shouldn't be missed. >>> www.barejams.com
KASBA (live)
Kasba mixes North African music spices with western musical herbs into a great musical danceable dish. Kasba combines raï with rock, adds a little reggae to it and finishes the dish with a bit of Gnawa. Kasba consists of musicians with different musical backgrounds, rooted in Morocco and The Netherlands. The combination of these musical spices and the energy created by the group during performances makes Kasba a very exciting and interesting group to watch. >>> www.kasba.nl
Gedreven door hun liefde voor de analoge sound, verkent Calacas de wereld van tropical grooves zoals cadencelypso, cumbia, guaguanco, afro disco and many others. Hun ultra dansbare sets laten geen enkele dansvloer onbewogen! Laat je meevoeren op een zweterige en zwoele trip door het Creools universum. Ga mee op ontdekkingsreis en beleef een onvergetelijke trip! >>> www.mixcloud.com/calacasdjs/calacas-tropical-soundwave
If you like funky and tropical music these guys will blow your mind with their music and mixing. Pushin Wood Soundsystem calls themselves chefs, dudes, partying dj's, mpc rockers, entrepreneurs, vinyl collectors, quality controllers and music minded lovers. They're known for their notorious vinyl selection and their infamous clubnights like Bambeats & LOFT where numerous DJ's have joined them over the last 10 years. If you love music and want to party with a smile on kingsday, then this is most definitely it! >>> www.soundcloud.com/pushin-wood-soundsystem
The Forest of Heroes is a magical forest, a forest of enchanting music. Those who enter rarely find their way out. You can hear classical music through the air, the leaves of the trees are playing jazz. When you put your ears on red mushrooms, forgotten soul music can be heard. There is an old tale, told by the neighbouring villages. That when the moon is at his highest point, the forest will light up and shades of people dancing can be seen. >>> www.soundcloud.com/forest-of-heroes
Playing long sets it's what I love and preferably openingsets or long second room sets, so I can tell a story and create a nice vibe. I'm just playing what I like at the moment, welcome to my groove, Enrique's Groove!
>>> www.soundcloud.com/enrique-amsterdam
pllek, TT Neveritaweg 59, 1033 WB Amsterdam
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Koningsdag Bij Pllek | NDSM VRIJHAVEN
Vanaf Gratis