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Introduction to Spiritual Ecology - workshop

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Introduction to Spiritual Ecology - workshop

Von 6,00 EUR



13. März 2019, 19:00 Uhr - 21:30


How can we face the mess and not go crazy and instead reconnect with nature?

This is a free* workshop by Maaike Boumans from Bright Future Lab. The introduction evening last September was a great success, time for a 2nd edition!

– A Spiritual Ecology Workshop –

You may have never heard of Spiritual Ecology before, like me, Maaike Boumans, until last year. You might have a connection to either or both of the words. Or maybe you have a hunch you want to live in a different way. Perhaps actually you feel the great urgency for us to radically change the way we live: to not only make peace on Earth, but make peace with Earth. And maybe you don’t know where to start.

If any of this resonates with you, you’re so welcome to join.

This evening workshop is a light introduction into the body of work of Spiritual Ecology. How can we face the mess we are in and not go crazy? Building on the work of Joanna Macy, John D. Liu, Charles Eisenstein and others, this evening combines dialogue, exercises and reflection. It’s my intention for you to walk away feeling inspired and invigorated, with a larger community of likeminded people at your back.

There's room for 100 people (but don't worry, we'll still make it cosy and intimate!) 

* a note about the fee: 
We originally planned to host this workshop at Metabolic Lab, which has room for 20 people. Over 95 people (!) registered with such inspiring motivation to join the evening. I'm so thankful so many people interested in this topic want to come together to learn from and with each other. We've very happily decided to open this workshop up to 100 people and move to the beautiful space of De Galerie. There are costs involved to rent this space and the technical support needed. We therefore ask you to buy a ticket of €6,- to help cover costs. You're warmly invited to contribute more if you're able, to support this initiative and pay it forward!  

- Program - 
Doors open at 19:00. Kindly allow yourself some time to arrive and settle in. The program will start at 19:30 and will end around 21:30. Expect a light talk, guided exercises, meaningful conversation in small groups with the chance to share your questions and ideas and of course the opportunity to go outside and explore nature in the city. If capturing notes and ideas supports your learning, do bring a pen and notebook! Otherwise, just bring yourself :) 

– About the trainer –
I am Maaike Boumans (30), a poet, traveller and host. I hold an MSc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability and have been working as a trainer and facilitator around these topics for the past six years with Bright Future Lab. After a powerful 5-day solo retreat in nature a few years ago, I’ve been longing to deepen my connection with nature. To learn to speak her language again, live my life from a place of reverence and simplicity. This has brought me to Spiritual Ecology. I would love to meet you on this journey!

With big thanks to De Ceuvel for this collaboration.

– Reading Tips  –
If you’re curious to read a little more about Spiritual Ecology, check out the work of St Ethelburga Center for Reconciliation and Peace on www.stethelburgas.org. Or check www.spiritualecology.org and www.emergencemagazine.org.



Café de Ceuvel Café de Ceuvel, Korte Papaverweg 4, 1032 KB Amsterdam


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