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Individual Session - Prepare your photobook in one day.

Veranstaltung beendet

Individual Session - Prepare your photobook in one day.

Von 10,00 EUR


Every person has at least one book inside themselves. Or a possibility of a book. This workshop helps you to discover this possibility and create a photobook during one day of an intense personal workshop.

Photobook is not just a collection of pictures, but a unique art object, with a clear story and a carefully chosen form. Well-made photobooks are highly valued amongst the collectors and form photography history.

On this workshop we help you to realize your own photobook.

You can come with an idea, a series of photographs or just a wide selection. You can also use found images. We discuss the idea - and how to transfer it into a concept of a book (what kind of book will it be? What elements it will consist of, size, pages, paper, cover, binding, etc. etc.) - Maybe you want to have something unusual? Book as a game, book as an object, book as a box, book as a…. (?)

We’ll make a selection of images from your (preselected) archive - it’s advised to have a tight selection of 60-80 images and a spare wide selection (200-300 images) to be more free to chose from.
We’ll make together a first advance towards the layout from the small prints or on the computer screen (up to your preference).

We’ll discuss the appropriate pre-print and post-processing of the images and try together different styles & techniques. (Basic photoshop knowledge is not necessary but helpful).

Then we’ll do the layout of the images in InDesign - the knowledge of InDesign is not required. Basic aspects of using of the program will be explained to you and exercised together. We’ll start our way towards the final layout but most likely you’ll need to finalize it as the “homework”.

This workshop takes approx. 6 hours (11.00 -17.00) with one lunch break.

As a next step, we can do the printing of the final book edition (small edition in Dostoevsky Lab in Amsterdam North or in case of big edition or special requirements = with the chosen typography, depending on chosen technique and print run edition).

Cost: 240 euro*
or 120 euro* for Paper Fetish members**
*not including material printing costs.
** more about Paper Fetish Membership: https://billetto.nl/e/membership-paper-fetish-Tickets-332303

Installation of the nesessary programs installed on your computer (if needed) included in the workshop package.



Droogbak 9HS, 1013 GG Amsterdam


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