Elemental Water Bootcamp
Elemental Water Bootcamp
Vanaf 49,95 EUR
What do feelings teach us? And when do they turn around and evolve into emotions? Maybe you are someone who is led by your feelings and emotions, or maybe you are the opposite and tend to push your feelings aside...
In this particular bootcamp we focus on our sacral chakra and emotional identity which connects us to everything regarding our feelings, sexuality and emotions.
Connecting with our feelings can be difficult and confronting, but in order for us to express ourselves fully and authentically, we have to accept the parts of ourselves we view as positive, but also the parts that we tend to reject, ignore and shut ourselves off from and actually perceive as negative.
By taking a closer look at these aspects within our being we will begin to find a sense of balance within our emotional identity. This gives us the opportunity to connect to others in a more healthy way and gives us understanding about why we feel the things we feel and how and why we choose to express them
Since our sacral palace is positioned in our hip area and the birthplace of our feelings and sexuality lie in there we will focus on movement starting from that part of the body. During this Bootcamp, we will focus on the movement qualities of waving, fluidity in our body and the power of unpredictability since these are closely connected to the element of Water.
Through different exercises, varying from meditation, practical movement and theory, we will learn how to get in tune with our emotional body and how we can start, or continue on this journey with ourselves
In this bootcamp, we will create a safe space for everyone to be themselves and express everything that is needed. We understand that it can be difficult to feel safe around the aspects we dive into, and many of us can feel shame or guilt around how they feel or act. We want to make sure that these are things you can let go of, and we encourage you to completely be you. This, of course, is a process but important to know is that you are not alone.
The Bootcamp is open to everyone, also those who have never danced before. Together we will work to more acceptance of ourselves, a better understanding of who we are and why we are the way that we are. These four hours, led by Gil the Grid and Wesley Vayu, will give you more confidence and a feeling of belonging in this world, something we all are searching for
You can get your ticket through the ticket link, so you can assure your spot. We only do refunds until 1 week before the actual date of the bootcamp.
Hopefully, we will see you there to explore, expand and experience.
Much love
Amenti MoveMeant.
Bluebirds Yoga Amsterdam, Louise Wentstraat 186, 1018 MS Amsterdam
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Elemental Water Bootcamp
Vanaf 49,95 EUR