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Elemental Bootcamp - Earth

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Elemental Bootcamp - Earth

Fra EUR 48,80



23 feb 2020 kl. 12:00 - 18:00


During the Earth Bootcamp, we will dive into how our mind is connected to our body, focus upon becoming more aware of our physical identity, physical and emotional sensations responses, and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage within our dance, but also our daily lives. By becoming more somatically intelligent we gain a bigger understanding of who we are as individuals, how we move in this society, and how we connect and relate to other people. Ultimately it gives us more confidence and a feeling of wholeness.

our Bootcamps are always focussed on movement- and dance-related exercises from our method, founded by Gil the Grid

This time we will be diving in the layer of earth and everything which connects to it on a somatic and psychological level. The base of this Bootcamp will lie in what it means to root, trust and support ourselves and others, and how our ability to do this is connected to the way we move within this layer.

The exercises will mostly be physical in nature and pretty demanding from the body to get a good sense of how much our body actually can do. At the same time, this will definitely expand your view on movement in the sense of condition, strength, flexibility and finding new ways to move in general. These exercises will be done individually as well as in group form to challenge you and the other participants to remain open and adaptable. 

We welcome you whether you are new to our movement or have been dancing with us for a longer time. Also, it is not required to have experience within dance and/or movement at all, we’re open to all kinds of levels.

For the people who are already familiar with our Bootcamps, it is a perfect opportunity to dive deeper and get more in touch with your own natural way of moving. People who are new will be taken on an adventure and guided through new movement material and a bigger focus upon who we actually are, and how our body, mind and soul are all connected to complete our being.

The Bootcamp will be lead by Gil the Grid and Wesley Vayu from 12.00 until 18.00 at Dansateliers, ‘s Gravendijkwal 58, Rotterdam.

It is recommended that you buy your tickets on time and online before we are sold out.

We only do refunds until the 16th of February.

More information coming soon 



Dansateliers Dansateliers, 's-Gravendijkwal 58-B, 3014 EE Rotterdam


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