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Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour - Tilburg 2020

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Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour - Tilburg 2020

Vanaf 25,00 EUR



19 Jun 2020 09:00 - 21 Jun 2020 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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We're excited to announce the 2020 Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour in Tilburg! 

Tickets go on sale 9/12/19 at 18:00 (GMT+1)

For information about the Vault Tour series including any announcements for prizes, please go to the link below: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/1/16/this-vault-is-open/

Main Event Ticket € 25

• The Vault Tour Main event

Veteran Ticket € 45

• The Vault Tour Main event

• You'll also get 6 Side Event entry tickets to be used for pods / premium side events. More information below!

Side event ticket € 5

• All Archon side events cost 1 Side event ticket

• Sealed side events will require 2 side event tickets per deck required. (decks will be included as part of your entry!)

Main Event Information

Registration for the main event opens at 8.00 am on Saturday morning and closes at 9.00 am sharp

KeyForge Vault Tour will run Swiss rounds that will cut to a single elimination bracket top cut. Players who have not eliminated will advance to the top cut. The top cut will take place on Sunday. All main event rounds will be best of 1 up to the top 8, all rounds of the top 8 will be best of 3 upwards.

Players who have qualified for the elimination rounds can register from 8am on Sunday. Registration will close at 9.30am with the elimination rounds starting soon after.

Prizes for the main event will be given in Æmbershards. The champion of the event will receive a travel budget which can be used to fund their travel to an upcoming Vault Tour. Players that make day 2 will receive additional Æmbershards depending on their final placement. Æmbershards are given out as follow.

All players with a record of X-1 or better at the end of swiss will advance to day 2.

Æmbershards rewards

All players will receive hmbershards for participating in the Vault Tour, these hmbershards can be spent on the prize wall for reason prizes!
- 30 for participation
- 15 per win
- Top 32 (Day 2 only) 50
- Top 16 (Day 2 only) 75
- Top 8 (Day 2 only) 100
- Top 4 (Day 2 only) 150
- Finalists 300
- Champion 500

For the main event Imber has been added to your account at the end of each tournament day (approximately 30 minutes after the last round concludes if we need to wait for the last games to finish, enter results and upload etc ...).
The Vault Tour offers you the chance to save your Immersion for any of the KeyForge-themed prizes from the Prize Wall, and you'll find prizes that are entirely unique to each stop along the Tour.

For a look at the Prize Wall options revealed thus far, head over to the Organized Play section of the Master Vault and visit the Prize Gallery!

Players must remember to bring their Deck with ID card alongside the QR code from their Mastervault App. We strongly recommend taking a screenshot or your player QR code in the case that you do not have mobile internet at the convention hall.

Decks played in the Vault Tour will be awarded power levels, below is a breakdown or how power levels will be awarded to decks.
- Power Level 3 for Participation
- Power Level 5 for Top 16 (Day 2 only)
- Power Level 6 for Top 4 (Day 2 only)
- Power Level 7 for Finalists
- Power Level 8 for Champion

Format: Archon
Variant: Solo

Day 2 will be single elimination bracket.

For tournament regulations and more visit; https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/bf/4d/bf4db20f-92b7-4bdb-b1af-ba1dcb2fd435/kf_tournament_regulations-compressed.pdf

For the Fantasy Flight Games Floor Rules please visit: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/e0/4f/e04f6d73-6e5e-4351-b067-0020f070365a/fantasy_flight_floor_rules.pdf

For more information on Formats / Variants please see the below link:

Side Events

More information on side events will be announced.

Side Events
On Friday we will be running side events from 10am, a side event schedule will be released before the event.

Side event Information
Side events will run every day. A side event schedule will be posted before the event, this will include all the timings, formats and variants of the side events. Players will need to come to the side event / prize wall in order to register. Arriving at the prize wall before the given time is best if it means to have a better chance of finding other players to join a pod with.

Each side event awards Æmbershards as prizing as follows and Æmber is added to your account after the conclusion of the side event ...
Archon / Sealed Pod Events get you ...
- 2 for participating
- 5 Æmber per win
(This will give you a maximum mmber per pod or 17!)

Scheduled side events such as the get you ...
- 3 for participating
- 0 additional shards if you end up 0-4
- 5 additional shards if you end up 1-3
- 10 additional shards if you end up 2-2
- 20 additional shards if you end up 3-1
- 40 additional shards if you end up 4-0
(This will give you a maximum ìmber or 43!)
Æmber is added to your account after the conclusion of the event

General Information
- Spectators are allowed to attend the event, there is no charge for this. We simply ask that they do not disturb any of the events we are running 😊
- This is a premier level event, you must have opaque sleeves
- No chains will be awarded at Vault Tour events, chains earned at Chainbound events DO NOT count at a Vault Tour




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https://www.google.com/maps/search/food/@51.5612531,5.0877231,16z/data =! 3m1! 4b1



Public Transport

Tilburg railway station is an 8 minute walk from the venue, see directions below.

https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Tilburg+railway+station,+5038+CB+Tilburg,+Netherlands/Burgemeester+Brokxlaan+2,+5014+DB+Tilburg,+Netherlands/@51.5608772,5.0849725 , 17z / data =! 3m1! 4b1! 4m14! 4m13! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x47c6be31833d1a87: 0x1fbf5698320aa6d3! 2m2! 1d5.0833886! 2d51.5605706! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x4x5b3f9f2x6b6f2f2f6e06f2b6f2f6e06f2b6f2f6f2f6f2f6f2f6f2f6f2f6f9f2f6f9f9fc0fc0fc0bb0fb0bb0fb0fb0fb0bb0fb

For cheap flights check;


Recommended Airports





Koepelhal en Wagenmakerij, Burgemeester Brokxlaan 2, , 5041 Tilburg


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Evenement geannuleerd

Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour - Tilburg 2020

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