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Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour - Eindhoven 2019

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Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour - Eindhoven 2019

Von 35,00 EUR



15. März 2019, 09:00 Uhr - 17. März 2019, 22:00 Uhr


2019 Vault Tour Eindhoven, Netherlands

Tickets go live 23rd of January at 7pm CET

We're excited to announce the 2019 Dutch KeyForge Vault Tour!

As this is part of the 2019 Vault Tour series players will have to test their most powerful Archon against others in the Archon format! 

All events award AEmberShards to redeem for unique prizes, more information can be found at: 


Ticket: € 35

Your ticket Provides you with KeyForge Vault Tour as well as all side events! 


Main Event

Registration for the main event opens at 8.00 am and closes at 9.30am sharp. Start of Round #1 will be short after. Please bring a screeshot from your profile ID to streamline the registration process.

Format: The Format will be Archon Solo each day, no chain levels at the beginning of the tournament.  

Day 1a (Friday 15th March)
Players will complete in swiss rounds that will be cut to a single elimination day 2. 

Day 1b (Saturday 16th March)
Players will complete in swiss rounds that will be cut to a single elimination day 2. 

Day 2  (Sunday 17th March)
We will merge the day 1a and day 1b to form a single elimination bracket.

Players that qualify for day 2 can register on Sunday from 8am to 9am 

Swiss and top cut rounds will be best of 1, with Grand Finals being best of 3

Day 1a and day 1 be will likely be 6 Swiss rounds, players with a record of X-1 and better will make it to day 2.

Day 2 will likely be 5 single elimination rounds 

No chains will be awarded at Vault Tour events, chains earned at Chain bound events DO NOT count at a Vault Tour

Side Events


All side events will award AEmber Shards


https://www.google.co.uk/ maps / search / hotels / @ 51.4430885,5.4763363,15z / data =! 3m1! 4b1

**Accommodation update:**

We're happy to say that we have a discount coupon for rooms at Holiday Inn Eindhoven. The hotel is on walking distance from the city center and even closer to the venue.

Use *DutchFFGEindhoven* in your communication with the hotel and get the best deal.

It works like this:
1. Contact the Hotel for the best available roomrates by emailing them at reservations@hieindhoven.com or calling them at +31402358245

2. Tell them how many nights and people are staying and if you want to make use of the breakfast. Aks them for the best price and don’t forget to mention *DutchFFGEindhoven*

3. The hotel will give you the best price available including the 15% discount you’ve triggered with mentioning the code.



https://www.google.co. uk / maps / search / food / @ 51.4431146,5.4763363,15z / data =! 3m1! 4b1




The best station to reach this event is: Eindhoven

Directions from the station to the venue  https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/Lardinoisstraat+8,+5611+ZZ+Eindhoven,+Netherlands/Eindhoven, + 5611 + AD + Eindhoven, + Netherlands / @ 51.4436663.5.4746704,17.25z / data =! 4m14! 4m13! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x47c6d91ba2fcbd1b: 0xec27da5cf89be57c! 2m2! 1d5.4763363! 2d51.4430624! 1m5! 1m1! 1s0x47c6d91c67d47dc7: 0x7f7a5d394bdcc373! 2m2! 1d5.4792341! 2d51.4434154! 3rd3


For cheap flights check;


Recommended Airports 

Eindhoven (15 minute taxi to the venue) 



Beursgebouw Eindhoven Beursgebouw Eindhoven, Lardinoisstraat 8, 5611 ZZ Eindhoven


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  • Ich möchte meine Tickets stornieren und eine Erstattung erhalten. Was soll ich tun?

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    Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.

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    Sieh auf der Bestätigungsseite oder in deiner Bestätigungsmail nach. Normalerweise teilt der Veranstalter die Details in der Bestätigungsmail mit oder er könnte dir eine Follow-up-Mail mit einem Link zum Online-Event zukommen lassen. Du könntest eventuell auch die Eventbeschreibung aus Billetto durchlesen, wo Veranstalter beschreiben sollten,wie man dem Event online beitritt. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

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    Erstattungsschutz sichert dich ab, falls unvorhergesehene und unumgängliche Umstände dich daran hindern, am Event teilzunehmen. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

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