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  • Conscious + Connected: How To De-stress Yourself And Find Your Own Truth

    Evenement geannuleerd

    Conscious + Connected: How To De-stress Yourself And Find Your Own Truth

    Vanaf 99,00 EUR



    30 Sep 2017 10:00 - 17:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Boek met vertrouwen: Billetto garandeert terugbetalingen voor geannuleerde evenementen, zodat u zich geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Lees meer
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    How often have you had the experience of struggling with yourself? Asking yourself questions such as: Who am I? And now? Or maybe you feel you are not able to feel? Or you have felt insignificant, confused, abandoned, abused, unsafe, lonely, or overly responsible? And perhaps you have so many stressful situations going on in your life right now that you wouldn’t know where to start? Or you have lost the connection with who you are and you would love to explore your own path of awareness. Finding that peace of mind. Finding what it is you are meant to do and be and identifying that which brings you the greatest happiness in your highest purpose in life.

    If you are looking for support in a safe way and for someone to hold space for you in exploring your inner world. If you would like to identify those areas where you may be holding back. If you are looking for ways to feel inspired by something you have never felt before. And feeling uplifted when you gain a new insight that changes your perspective completely. Learning new tools that forever transform you and bring your closer to your authentic self.

    In invite you to join me at:

    Conscious + Connected

    How To De-stress Yourself And Find Your Own Truth

    A full day workshop on:

    Date: Saturday 30 September 2017

    Timings: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Venue: Huis van de Wijk Buitenveldert, A.J. Ernststraat 112, 1082 LP Amsterdam (opposite Gelderlandplein)

    Price: Early bird: EUR 99,- (until 1 September 2017) General Admission: EUR 129 (after 1 September 2017)

    It is not about what happened to you and all about how you inhibit the space of what happened to you. There are so many hidden gifts in our subconscious mind, so much wisdom waiting to be shared.

    I’ll guide you on a journey through your subconscious energy field where you’ll encounter resistances or resonances of frozen memory fields that we’ll clear and heal. We’ll do that through deep meditations, visualisations and exercises. When we experience traumas in our lives the memories might be to harsh so we tend to freeze them so we won’t feel them anymore. This does not mean that we don’t carry them in our energy field anymore. Mostly there are certain triggers in our daily lives that bring us back to that pain and make us behave in a certain unpleasant way.

    You’ll learn tools that will help you to reconnect with yourself.

    You’ll become more aware of your patterns, conditioning, programming, blind spots and shadow sides.

    You’ll learn how it feels to be in your core, fully empowered.

    You’ll reconnect with your true bliss, reclaiming parts of your soul that you have lost along the way.

    You’ll become more aware of the family genetics and the impact they still might have in your life.

    You’ll leave as a different person.

    Moreover, it is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and in finding out that we have so much more in common.

    Jackie is a Life Coach and a certified Light Grids Healing Practitioner (trained by Damien Wynne) and her career as a high-level international consultant and PA has rewarded her with invaluable work experience. She is a strategist and is known for her pragmatic business acumen and is more than capable of solving the most complex of problems. Jackie has worked in Kenya, Spain and the Netherlands, but her roots lie in the Cape Verde Islands.

    She is skilled at helping people to live life more easily by honing in on the very roots of their belief systems and working at that core level. With her help, they are able to connect with their deepest truths and finally see their true higher selves. Their brilliance and authenticity.

    Jackie teaches professionals and individuals through interactions, tools, exercises, 121 or in workshops. She shows them how to go from head to heart, connect with their core, be grounded, deal with emotions and overcome resistance. Presence is a key concept – it is connection. Pain and suffering are caused when not being present. And such traumas leave a frozen memory field in your subconscious mind of something that is too hard to see, feel or experience. Jackie demonstrates that the only way out is through acceptance of what is. Connecting with your heart. Slowing down and returning to your blueprint without all of the programming and belief systems. Investing in yourself and what your wish to become. Jackie also taps into energy vibrations and looks at family and organisation constellations and patterns.


    Feel free to bring our own yoga mat, a bottle of water/snacks and notebook/pen. Coffee/tea will be provided complimentary.


    Huis van de Wijk Buitenveldert, A.J. Ernststraat 112, 1082 LP Amsterdam


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    Conscious + Connected: How To De-stress Yourself And Find Your Own Truth

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