Cinema Dérive: Ich - Ein Groupie & Women In Love
Cinema Dérive: Ich - Ein Groupie & Women In Love
Vanaf 0,00 EUR
(Higher and higher)
Directed by Jack Hill/Erwin C. Dietrich
78 minutes
In English
This is an unhinged cult sexploitation movie from the 70s that often doesn't make much sense, but dives deep into the lurid world of sex, drugs, rock n' roll and groupies. With this sort of wild flick all you can do is let go and jump on for the ride. In theory it was largely directed by the legendary Jack Hill (Coffy, Spider Baby, Switchblade Sisters) while he was working for Roger Corman here in Europe. It stars the German soft-core sex star Ingrid Steeger in the lead role, and is a pure B-film to the hilt.
It was originally shot in English, but then many of the actresses couldn't speak properly, so their parts were dubbed over in horrendous Cockney voices and it's clear that the voice-over actresses don't care about the film at all, they are just doing their job... which only adds to the cheap exploitation charm and atmosphere of this flick. It was shot on location in Berlin, London, Zurich and, yes, Amsterdam!
This is movie about the dark side of the summer of love... about two groupies who hang out with sleazy Rock musicians, get involved with the Hell's Angels and a LSD-fueled satanic orgy. When seen today it becomes an alternative travelogue of 70's Europe, shot in real bars and concert joints.
This will be a high-definition screening.
Directed by Ken Russell
131 minutes
In English with English subtitles!
This is Ken Russell's amazing adaption of D.H. Lawrence's novel WOMEN IN LOVE, and it's one of the most successful attempts at transforming literature into film. This was accomplished by basically sticking to the philosophical core of the work, and then illustrating it passionately. Oliver Reed and Alan Bates star as two friends with very different tastes, but who both fall in love with a pair of sisters portrayed by Jennie Linden and Glenda Jackson (who won an Academy Award for the role, as well as a slew of critics' honors).
Did you ever have problems with love? If so, then this film is for you because it delves into the hearts, minds and philosophies of four individuals as they explore their romantic relationships (heterosexual, homosexual, friendship, love and desire). In a way it's almost like Richard Linklater's BEFORE SUNSET, except it has a clear storyline and the characters do more then just walk around Paris. But the whole reflective pondering about relationships is somewhat similar.
With alternating lush and harsh cinematography, brilliant acting and a profound insight, it is, as one critic noted "a visual stunner and very likely the most sensuous film ever made." An absolute must if you have never experienced it... but be prepared to see a film unlike any other you have ever come across. It is in my eyes it is certainly one the best films directed by the great Ken Russell. Stunning visuals, which makes it absolutely necessary to see it on the big screen.
This will be a high-definition screening.
Cinema Dérive @ Mixtree
Overtoom 301
Doors open at 18:45
3 euros for either film, 4 euros for both
MixTree, Overtoom 301 (2 floor), 1054 hw Amsterdam
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Cinema Dérive: Ich - Ein Groupie & Women In Love
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