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Breathwork Session - Amenti MoveMeant

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Breathwork Session - Amenti MoveMeant

Ab 35,00 EUR


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24 September 2019 - 29 Oktober 2019
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Dorien is a woman of breathwork. With this powerful tool, she helps people to connect to their inner being and guides them to the place where they feel at home with themselves.
ABOUT BREATH WORKOur bodies, our feelings and our thoughts are closely related and all influence each other. The way you breathe determines the way you feel. Most people only use about 30% of their breathing capacity. Oxygen provides us with vital energy and a lack of it can cause fatigue, stress and depression. By circulating oxygen around your body, energy starts to flow and unnecessary luggage can be released. Your body and your mind expand and relax, allowing new space for joy and clarity. Breathwork is a very effective healing tool and a simple way to feel great.

Dorien’s way of working is grounded and pragmatic. She uses different techniques intuitively, flowing with what arises. That makes every session a unique experience.During a session, we work with different techniques and parts of the body to explore the breath to its fullest potential

The belly is the base of our existence. With the belly breath, we generate energy and cultivate new space in this area. This results in a sense of feeling grounded, safe and rejuvenated. Emotions that may arise from the belly are connected to safety, sexuality, play, relation and creativity.

The heart breath is directed upwards from the stomach into the diaphragm and heart area. The heart is our center of love, compassion and forgiveness. By breathing upwards we can reach all the way to into the throat, neck and shoulders, the area where we store much of our daily stress as well as our birth traumas.
Besides the breath Dorien uses a technique called trigger pointing. She uses focussed physical pressure to help stored tension find its way to the surface and release. During a session we will discuss how you can recognize your own trigger points and assist your body in its healing processes on a daily basis.

During a session we switch intuitively between yin and yang energy. We move from a state of catharsis into a state of softness and surrender, to move into catharsis again. We express ourselves through breath, voice and physical movement. Dorien helps you to through each state with loving guidance.
We breathe all day, every day. We can teach our bodies to release tension naturally. After the session we will explore some tricks to use at home.
ABOUT DORIEN“For as long as I can remember I had this sense of wanting to know what it means to be truly alive. When I stumbled upon breathwork I knew I had found something special. Breathwork gave me a new perspective on life and made me understand myself on a profound level. Through expanding my breath and my body I could take up the space to realise my dreams. Besides, I found my tool to do what I am here for: to guide others towards their full potential and just... to feel amazing.”
LINKS Website: www.bodydoor.nl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bodydoor.nl
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bodydoor



Amenti MoveMeant - Limbo Amenti MoveMeant - Limbo, Dordtselaan 45, 3081 BE Rotterdam


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